Big events for a big year!
Celebrating 200 years is really something special. So KIT has come up with some special events - for you and for its employees.
Events Calendar
Aktionstag Lust auf Zukunft! Fokus: Good Leadership
Roonstraße 23a
76137 Karlsruhe
Healthy self-leadership and successful relationships with others are the basis for responsible leadership. The students of today will become the leaders of tomorrow: The day offers plenty of inspiration with mini-workshops, a keynote speech and joint dialog in a World Café on which skills for good leadership are already being developed during studies and will be important in the future.
We will be accompanied by actors who live good leadership in their leadership actions.
The event is organized by the Leadership Talent Lab (HoC) and aims all interested persons. KIT students can attend the workshop via the courses offered by the HoC.
Dr. Michael Stolle
Geb. 01.86
Leadership Talent Lab (LTL) am HoC
Fritz-Erler-Straße 23
76133 Karlsruhe
Mail: michael stolle ∂does-not-exist.kit edu