Friday, 11 April 2025
Monday, 05 May 2025
International Days 2025
Diverse Orte am KIT Campus Süd
Vom 5. bis 15. Mai 2025 zeigen die International Days die Vielfalt der internationalen Aktivitäten am KIT und bieten niedrigschwellig die Möglichkeit für Beratungsgespräche. Begegnen Sie Ihrem Traumland beim Mobility Dating! Diskutieren Sie beim INTL-Talk über wertebasierte Kooperationen in der internationalen Forschungszusammenarbeit oder informieren Sie sich bei einer Ausstellung über bestehende strategische Partnerschaften. Erfahren Sie bei einem Kaffee, wohin Sie Erasmus+ oder die Overseas-Programme bringen können und wofür EPICUR oder EUCOR stehen. Die International Days des KIT sind die perfekte Plattform für alle, die über den Tellerrand schauen und die Welt der internationalen Forschung und Lehre erkunden möchten. Seien Sie dabei!
Tuesday, 06 May 2025
12:00 - 17:00
KIT-Karrieremesse 6.+7. Mai 2025
Forum vor dem Audimax (Geb. 30.95), KIT Campus Süd
Wann: 6. - 7. Mai 2025, 12 - 17 Uhr
Wo: Forum vor dem Audimax (Geb. 30.95), KIT Campus Süd
Was: Job-Open-Air für Studierende, Promovierende, Alumnae und Alumni des KIT
Wer: 100 Unternehmen und Institutionen pro Tag aus verschiedenen Branchen
Eintritt: frei und ohne Anmeldung!
Das KIT feiert und wir feiern mit! Das erwartet dich 2025 bei der KIT-Karrieremesse:
insgesamt 200 Unternehmen, so viel, wie das Jubiläum Jahre hat! Es erwarten dich wechselnd an jedem Messetag 100 Aussteller aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen
entspanntes Open-Air-Flair für den Austausch auf Augenhöhe
farbige Fachrichtungs-Sticker für die optimale Orientierung
Beratung zu Lebenslauf & Co, Info-Talks und Tipps rund um Bewerbung & Berufseinstieg im offenen Studi-Zelt des Career Service
jeden Tag ein leckeres Gratis-Essen* von ausgewählten Food-Trucks (*Foodcoins gibt es gegen Vorlage der KIT-Card/Studierendenausweis und nur solange der Vorrat reicht)
ab März 2025: aktuelle Stellenangebote und Online-Unternehmensprofile der Messe-Unternehmen im Career-Service-Portal
Kommt vorbei! Wir freuen uns über euren Besuch!
Wednesday, 07 May 2025
12:00 - 17:00
KIT-Karrieremesse 6.+7. Mai 2025
Forum vor dem Audimax (Geb. 30.95), KIT Campus Süd
Wann: 6. - 7. Mai 2025, 12 - 17 Uhr
Wo: Forum vor dem Audimax (Geb. 30.95), KIT Campus Süd
Was: Job-Open-Air für Studierende, Promovierende, Alumnae und Alumni des KIT
Wer: 100 Unternehmen und Institutionen pro Tag aus verschiedenen Branchen
Eintritt: frei und ohne Anmeldung!
Das KIT feiert und wir feiern mit! Das erwartet dich 2025 bei der KIT-Karrieremesse:
insgesamt 200 Unternehmen, so viel, wie das Jubiläum Jahre hat! Es erwarten dich wechselnd an jedem Messetag 100 Aussteller aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen
entspanntes Open-Air-Flair für den Austausch auf Augenhöhe
farbige Fachrichtungs-Sticker für die optimale Orientierung
Beratung zu Lebenslauf & Co, Info-Talks und Tipps rund um Bewerbung & Berufseinstieg im offenen Studi-Zelt des Career Service
jeden Tag ein leckeres Gratis-Essen* von ausgewählten Food-Trucks (*Foodcoins gibt es gegen Vorlage der KIT-Card/Studierendenausweis und nur solange der Vorrat reicht)
ab März 2025: aktuelle Stellenangebote und Online-Unternehmensprofile der Messe-Unternehmen im Career-Service-Portal
Kommt vorbei! Wir freuen uns über euren Besuch!
Thursday, 15 May 2025
10:00 - 12:00
Guided tour “Art and Nature” in the outdoor area of KIT Campus South. The tour is held in German.
Startpunkt: Campus Süd, Pallas Athene im Ehrenhof
Dieser Rundgang bietet Betrachtungen zu Kunstwerken im Außenbereich des Campus Süd im Kontext zur rahmengebenden Natur, unter Führung der Kunstautorin Andrea Stengel (PB) und der Biologin Maren Riemann (JKIP). Im urbanen Raum existieren die vom Menschen geschaffenen Kunstwerke in bereichernder Koexistenz mit der umgebenden Natur, diese möchten wir gemeinsam mit den Teilnehmenden im Stil eines „walk&talk“ betrachten und dabei neue Blickwinkel ausprobieren. Der Rundgang dauert in etwa 2 Stunden und ist barrierefrei.
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 30 Personen begrenzt.
Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich, weitere Infos unter:
Saturday, 17 May 2025
10:00 - 19:00
Tag der offenen Tür (CS) & Campustag
Der gesamte KIT Campus Süd
Der Tag der offenen Tür ist ein Wissenschaftsfest für die Öffentlichkeit und bildet den Auftakt für das Karlsruher Wissenschaftsfestival "EFFEKTE". Unter dem Slogan „Effektvoll am KIT“ stellt das KIT alle zwei Jahre Experimente und Labore vor und bietet Aktivitäten für Groß und Klein, Vorträge und Mitmachangebote sowie ein unterhaltsames Bühnenprogramm.
Beim Campustag stellen die KIT-Fakultäten ihre Studiengänge vor und bieten tolle Mitmachaktionen, Experimente, Führungen u.v.m. an. Natürlich kommen auch Themen wie Auslandsstudium, Karrierechancen, Bewerbung und Zulassung oder die Unterstützung beim Studieneinstieg nicht zu kurz. Auf Campustouren mit Studienberaterinnen und Studierenden lernt man die wichtigsten Einrichtungen des KIT kennen und kann Fragen zum Studium stellen. Die Hochschulgruppen präsentieren sich auf dem Forum und zeigen die Vielfalt des Campuslebens.
Monday, 19 May 2025
Tour Eucor 2025
Fahrradtour durch die Oberrheinregion, Deutschland, Frankreich, Schweiz
The popular Tour Eucor is taking place again this year. The five-day bike tour through the Upper Rhine region will pass the five Eucor-cities. Crossing national borders, the Tour Eucor offers bicycle enthusiasts the opportunity for intercultural exchange and enriching encounters.
Start and finish is in Karlsruhe, with stops in Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Basel and Freiburg.
Registration: 19.01.-01.02.2025
Thursday, 22 May 2025
19:00 - 22:00
123. Founders' Barbecue meets 200 years KIT
Culture / Fun
TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum
Kaiserstraße 93
The Founder’s Barbecue is back! We will meet on 22 May at the Kronenplatz - as a special for the 200th anniversary of KIT, supported by our sponsor Würth. Come along and network with founders over a free barbecue, music and an after-work beer. Register and become part of the community:
Friday, 23 May 2025
9:30 - 18:00
Digital Democracy Camp (DDC)
TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum
Kaiserstraße 93
What do digitalization and democracy have to do with each other? How must digital tools be designed to activate and engage people for democratic coexistence instead of contributing to polarization? What pitfalls need to be considered?
Navigating the tension between digitalization and democracy safely is a key competence – especially at a technical university like KIT, where digital tools are developed and researched.
At the Digital Democracy Camp, students discuss and test central topics and tools together with representatives from science and society at several stations – this is where digital democracy becomes tangible!
The camp is part of the project "Digital Democracy – Key Competences in and for Digital Democracy", which started on October 1, 2024, at the HoC-Methodenlabor.
Friday, 06 June 2025
Kulturküche Karlsruhe, Kaiserstraße 47 - 76131 Karlsruhe
Das Eucor-Team am KIT lädt am Freitag, 6. Juni zum 2. Eucor-Dinner nach Karlsruhe ein. Auf dem Programm stehen unter anderem interkulturelle Workshops, Informationen zu Eucor und ein gemeinsames Abendessen. Das Event findet in deutscher und französischer Sprache statt. Studierende der Eucor-Universitäten Basel, Freiburg, Haute-Alsace, Strasbourg und vom KIT sind dazu eingeladen.
Weitere Informationen und Anmeldelinks folgen
Thursday, 26 June 2025
9:00 - 19:00
Aktionstag Lust auf Zukunft! Fokus: Good Leadership
SteamWork | GoodSpaces
Roonstraße 23a
Healthy self-leadership and successful relationships with others are the basis for responsible leadership. The students of today will become the leaders of tomorrow: The day offers plenty of inspiration with mini-workshops, a keynote speech and joint dialog in a World Café on which skills for good leadership are already being developed during studies and will be important in the future.
We will be accompanied by actors who live good leadership in their leadership actions.
The event is organized by the Leadership Talent Lab (HoC) and aims all interested persons. KIT students can attend the workshop via the courses offered by the HoC.
15:45 - 20:30
Dialogtag - Economy & Technology
Gebäude 09.20, Blücherstraße 17, 76185 Karlsruhe
The KIT Department of Economics and Management invites you to the “Dialogtag - Business & Technology” on June 26, 2025! In line with the Science Year 2025 and the focus topic of the 200th anniversary of KIT, the guiding theme of the Dialogtag is: “Affordable and Reliable Energy”. We are very pleased that Prof. Antonio J. Conejo, Professor at the Integrated System Engineering Department and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Ohio State University, will give a keynote speech. In addition, doctoral researches will give insights into current research projects in the “WiWi Junior Research Talks”.
The Dialogtag will conclude with the annual faculty celebration and the presentation of the science awards as well as a get-together. All employees, students of the Department of Economics and Management and other interested parties are cordially invited.
Tuesday, 01 July 2025
Wissenswoche NEULAND
TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum
Kaiserstraße 93
We invite you to the Knowledge Week on the topics of technology transfer, innovation and NEULAND. From young to old, from researchers to enterprising citizens to start-up enthusiasts: With focus days on the areas of industry, transfer pathways, entrepreneurs, inventiveness and family & friends, we have a diverse program to look back on innovative stories at KIT and change the world of tomorrow together.
Further information will follow. Free admission, no registration required, event in german and in presence.
Wednesday, 02 July 2025
Wissenswoche NEULAND
TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum
Kaiserstraße 93
We invite you to the Knowledge Week on the topics of technology transfer, innovation and NEULAND. From young to old, from researchers to enterprising citizens to start-up enthusiasts: With focus days on the areas of industry, transfer pathways, entrepreneurs, inventiveness and family & friends, we have a diverse program to look back on innovative stories at KIT and change the world of tomorrow together.
Further information will follow. Free admission, no registration required, event in german and in presence.
Thursday, 03 July 2025
Wissenswoche NEULAND
TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum
Kaiserstraße 93
We invite you to the Knowledge Week on the topics of technology transfer, innovation and NEULAND. From young to old, from researchers to enterprising citizens to start-up enthusiasts: With focus days on the areas of industry, transfer pathways, entrepreneurs, inventiveness and family & friends, we have a diverse program to look back on innovative stories at KIT and change the world of tomorrow together.
Further information will follow. Free admission, no registration required, event in german and in presence.
Friday, 04 July 2025
Dîner au KIT
Culture / Fun
KIT Campus Süd
Celebrate a summer evening full of enjoyment and entertainment with us. Experience walking acts and live music that will create a special atmosphere. A spectacular light show awaits you as the grand finale.
Wissenswoche NEULAND
TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum
Kaiserstraße 93
We invite you to the Knowledge Week on the topics of technology transfer, innovation and NEULAND. From young to old, from researchers to enterprising citizens to start-up enthusiasts: With focus days on the areas of industry, transfer pathways, entrepreneurs, inventiveness and family & friends, we have a diverse program to look back on innovative stories at KIT and change the world of tomorrow together.
Further information will follow. Free admission, no registration required, event in german and in presence.
Saturday, 05 July 2025
Wissenswoche NEULAND
TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum
Kaiserstraße 93
We invite you to the Knowledge Week on the topics of technology transfer, innovation and NEULAND. From young to old, from researchers to enterprising citizens to start-up enthusiasts: With focus days on the areas of industry, transfer pathways, entrepreneurs, inventiveness and family & friends, we have a diverse program to look back on innovative stories at KIT and change the world of tomorrow together.
Further information will follow. Free admission, no registration required, event in german and in presence.
Thursday, 10 July 2025
16:00 - 18:00
Guided tour “Art and Nature” in the outdoor area of KIT Campus South. The tour is held in German.
Startpunkt: Campus Süd, Pallas Athene im Ehrenhof
Dieser Rundgang bietet Betrachtungen zu Kunstwerken im Außenbereich des Campus Süd im Kontext zur rahmengebenden Natur, unter Führung der Kunstautorin Andrea Stengel (PB) und der Biologin Maren Riemann (JKIP). Im urbanen Raum existieren die vom Menschen geschaffenen Kunstwerke in bereichernder Koexistenz mit der umgebenden Natur, diese möchten wir gemeinsam mit den Teilnehmenden im Stil eines „walk&talk“ betrachten und dabei neue Blickwinkel ausprobieren. Der Rundgang dauert in etwa 2 Stunden und ist barrierefrei.
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 30 Personen begrenzt.
Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich, weitere Infos unter:
Friday, 11 July 2025
17:00 - 20:00
Art | Summer | Technology
Culture / Fun
Zentrum für Kunst und Medien (ZKM), Lorenzstr. 19, 76135 Karlsruhe
The event series Art | Summer | Technology starts on July 11, 2025 with a kick-off event from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Center for Art and Media (ZKM). After inspiring welcoming speeches and exciting contributions, visitors can look forward to a varied program and a champagne reception. More than 30 cooperation partners will present their Summer of Art and Technology on this evening: Throughout the city, workshops, exhibitions, guided tours, discussions, performances and much more will enrich cultural life in Karlsruhe. From museums and galleries to universities, stores and the Karlsruhe public utility company - everyone will be there! This series of events is aimed at people of all ages and combines creativity and technology in a unique way. Celebrate with us and don't miss out on this summer highlight.
Saturday, 12 July 2025
14:00 - 17:00
Open galleries in the event series ART | SUMMER | TECHNOLOGY
Culture / Fun
Der Startpunkt der Fahrradtour wird noch bekannt gegeben.
Eight Karlsruhe galleries invite you to experience art and technology in exciting activities in a unique way. The highlight on July 12, 2025 will be accompanied by a special bicycle tour from 2:00 to 5:00 pm: Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth, Vice President of KIT, Mayor Dr. Albert Käuflein and project manager Dr. Isabel Gallin will visit the eight participating galleries together with interested parties. The tour offers insights into innovative projects, installations and the opportunity to actively experience the dialog between art, technology and urban society. An inspiring start that invites you to join in - be part of it!
Thursday, 09 October 2025
10:00 - 12:00
Guided tour “Art and Nature” in the outdoor area of KIT Campus South. The tour is held in German.
Startpunkt: Campus Süd, Pallas Athene im Ehrenhof
Dieser Rundgang bietet Betrachtungen zu Kunstwerken im Außenbereich des Campus Süd im Kontext zur rahmengebenden Natur, unter Führung der Kunstautorin Andrea Stengel (PB) und der Biologin Maren Riemann (JKIP). Im urbanen Raum existieren die vom Menschen geschaffenen Kunstwerke in bereichernder Koexistenz mit der umgebenden Natur, diese möchten wir gemeinsam mit den Teilnehmenden im Stil eines „walk&talk“ betrachten und dabei neue Blickwinkel ausprobieren. Der Rundgang dauert in etwa 2 Stunden und ist barrierefrei.
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 30 Personen begrenzt.
Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich, weitere Infos unter:
Tuesday, 14 October 2025
KIT Science Week
KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
Translated with (free version)
Wednesday, 15 October 2025
KIT Science Week
KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
Translated with (free version)
Thursday, 16 October 2025
KIT Science Week
KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
Translated with (free version)
Friday, 17 October 2025
KIT Science Week
KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
Translated with (free version)
Saturday, 18 October 2025
KIT Science Week
KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
Translated with (free version)
Sunday, 19 October 2025
KIT Science Week
KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe
KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
Translated with (free version)
Thursday, 23 October 2025
3. Stiftungstag des KIT: Gemeinsam Zukunft gestalten
Intensive collaboration with foundations and the joint implementation of pioneering projects are also becoming increasingly important at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) from year to year. As a result, the need for communication, networking, information and exchange of experience is growing. On Wednesday, October 23, 2025, KIT will therefore welcome the science-promoting foundations for the third time at the Foundation Day in Karlsruhe. Foundation partners that already support KIT are cordially invited, as are interested foundations that would like to find out about possible collaborations.
Participation is only possible after registration. If you would like to receive a personal invitation to the Foundation Day, please send an e-mail to:
Saturday, 08 November 2025
THE BALL 2025 - we celebrate the KIT
Culture / Fun
Kongresszentrum Karlsruhe, Festplatz 9, 76137 Karlsruhe
Together with the city of Karlsruhe, DER BALL 2025 is taking place - under the motto “We celebrate KIT”. Experience a magical evening full of music, dance and festive atmosphere at our festive dance ball. Dance the night away in an ambience full of glitter and glamor. Let yourself be enchanted by the magical atmosphere and create unforgettable memories at our exclusive dance ball.
Saturday, 22 November 2025
Speech Party
Durmersheimer Straße 159
The free SpeechParty offers 20 German-language mini-workshops on topics relating to presenting and communicating in a relaxed atmosphere. Several lecturers with many years of experience in the education sector, on stage and in business/politics will accompany the workshops. During the breaks, there will be opportunities for non-alcoholic cocktails, party music and socializing with other people. You can also earn 1 credit.