Big events for a big year!

Celebrate with us over the next few months

Celebrating 200 years is really something special. So KIT has come up with some special events - for you and for its employees.

Events Calendar

Thursday, 10 July 2025
16:00 - 18:00 
Guided tour “Art and Nature” in the outdoor area of KIT Campus South. The tour is held in German.
Startpunkt: Campus Süd, Pallas Athene im Ehrenhof

Dieser Rundgang bietet Betrachtungen zu Kunstwerken im Außenbereich des Campus Süd im Kontext zur rahmengebenden Natur, unter Führung der Kunstautorin Andrea Stengel (PB) und der Biologin Maren Riemann (JKIP). Im urbanen Raum existieren die vom Menschen geschaffenen Kunstwerke in bereichernder Koexistenz mit der umgebenden Natur, diese möchten wir gemeinsam mit den Teilnehmenden im Stil eines „walk&talk“ betrachten und dabei neue Blickwinkel ausprobieren. Der Rundgang dauert in etwa 2 Stunden und ist barrierefrei.
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 30 Personen begrenzt.
Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich, weitere Infos unter:

Friday, 11 July 2025
17:00 - 20:00 
Art | Summer | Technology
Culture / Fun
Zentrum für Kunst und Medien (ZKM), Lorenzstr. 19, 76135 Karlsruhe

The event series Art | Summer | Technology starts on July 11, 2025 with a kick-off event from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Center for Art and Media (ZKM). After inspiring welcoming speeches and exciting contributions, visitors can look forward to a varied program and a champagne reception. More than 30 cooperation partners will present their Summer of Art and Technology on this evening: Throughout the city, workshops, exhibitions, guided tours, discussions, performances and much more will enrich cultural life in Karlsruhe. From museums and galleries to universities, stores and the Karlsruhe public utility company - everyone will be there! This series of events is aimed at people of all ages and combines creativity and technology in a unique way. Celebrate with us and don't miss out on this summer highlight.

Saturday, 12 July 2025
14:00 - 17:00 
Open galleries in the event series ART | SUMMER | TECHNOLOGY
Culture / Fun
Der Startpunkt der Fahrradtour wird noch bekannt gegeben.

Eight Karlsruhe galleries invite you to experience art and technology in exciting activities in a unique way. The highlight on July 12, 2025 will be accompanied by a special bicycle tour from 2:00 to 5:00 pm: Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth, Vice President of KIT, Mayor Dr. Albert Käuflein and project manager Dr. Isabel Gallin will visit the eight participating galleries together with interested parties. The tour offers insights into innovative projects, installations and the opportunity to actively experience the dialog between art, technology and urban society. An inspiring start that invites you to join in - be part of it!

Thursday, 09 October 2025
10:00 - 12:00 
Guided tour “Art and Nature” in the outdoor area of KIT Campus South. The tour is held in German.
Startpunkt: Campus Süd, Pallas Athene im Ehrenhof

Dieser Rundgang bietet Betrachtungen zu Kunstwerken im Außenbereich des Campus Süd im Kontext zur rahmengebenden Natur, unter Führung der Kunstautorin Andrea Stengel (PB) und der Biologin Maren Riemann (JKIP). Im urbanen Raum existieren die vom Menschen geschaffenen Kunstwerke in bereichernder Koexistenz mit der umgebenden Natur, diese möchten wir gemeinsam mit den Teilnehmenden im Stil eines „walk&talk“ betrachten und dabei neue Blickwinkel ausprobieren. Der Rundgang dauert in etwa 2 Stunden und ist barrierefrei.
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 30 Personen begrenzt.
Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich, weitere Infos unter:

Tuesday, 14 October 2025
KIT Science Week
KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe

KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
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Wednesday, 15 October 2025
KIT Science Week
KIT Campus Süd und an verschiedenen Locations in der Stadt Karlsruhe

KIT Science Week is entering its third round - from October 14 to 19, 2025, the motto is once again: Have your say! Join in! Join in the research! In 2025, the KIT Science Week will be all about the “City of the Future”. Smart cities, urban planning and architecture, sustainability, energy supply, mobility, digitalization... we look forward to the dialogue with you! All information about the program will be available from spring 2025.
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